The Arab ICT Organization held On August 17, 2021, the second preparatory meeting with the Libyan General Authority for Communications and Informatics in order to prepare the works of the “International Conference on Building Digital Libya”, to be held from 26 to 28 October in the Republic of Tunisia.
This conference will be organized under the auspices of the League of Arab States, the Ministry of Communication Technologies in the Republic of Tunisia, and the Ministry of Economy and Industries in the State of Libya. This important event will also witness wide participation of many partners from the public and private sectors and at the international level, in addition to representatives of the competent international authorities, such as the Libyan Post and Information Technology Holding Company, the Central Bank of Libya, the Libya Trade Company, the General Information Authority, the Tunisian Union of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts UTICA…
The works of the meeting were chaired by H.E. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor, Director General of the Arab ICT Organization, in the presence of AICTO’s team, and from the Libyan side, the Director of the Electronic Services Department at the Public Authority for Communications and Informatics and the head of the preparation team for the conference, Dr. Abdul Rahman Abu Dabra and the rest of the team members.
The organization of this conference falls within the framework of AICTO’s initiative “The Arab Digital Investment Map” and its will to provide support and assistance to the State of Libya in rebuilding its infrastructure in the field of ICT, in building and developing its human capacities, and in setting stimulating legislation and regulatory frameworks, in addition, to implement the decision of the League of Arab States No. 7073 aiming to assist the State of Libya by providing the support and needs of the Libyan people in various fields to overcome the delicate transitional phase that the country is going through.
This conference aims to assist the State of Libya in developing a roadmap to build a sustainable digital economy in harmony with the global economy and adopts the exploitation and use of all modern technological means and solutions.
several outputs are expected to emerge from the conference, the most important of which are: the development of an integrated national digital strategy for communications, as well as a vision for structuring the communications infrastructure, the development of programs to develop Libyan competencies in the field of communications and information technology, and others to develop the legal and regulatory frameworks for the sector.