AICTO is working to achieve the following strategic vision :

“Towards a Unified Arab digital society based on the creativity and innovation, boosting the Arab-Interregional complementarity and contributing efficiently to the development of the global sustainable digital economy”

Strategic Goals

Four strategic goals have been inspired from its Foundation’s goals taking to suit the specificities and the needs of the Arab countries and to keep with the global technological developments.

  • Ensuring the transition of Arab countries to the All-Digital and enabling Arab Citizens to benefit from innovative digital services

Main components

• Embracing e- innovation and developing the leadership and excellence skills through the affiliation of private sector companies as associate members of the organization
• Having a look forward towards the future and focusing efforts on digital creativity and innovation
• Learning/taking advantages from the global successful experiences in ICT field

Involved parties in the implementation

• League of Arab States
• Ministries of Communication and Information Technologies in the Arab countries
• All relevant parties (for any relevant coordination)

AICTO’s objectives of establishment (In relation)

• Objective (9) : Preparing Arab Societies to the ICT requirements
• Objective (10) : Taking advantage of ICT international experiences



  • Achieving the Arab complementarity and bridging the digital gab within the Arab region

  • Main components
  • • Boosting the Joint Arab Work for more complementarity and sharing
    • Copying best practices and success stories between Arab countries
    • Bringing closer the Arab developed countries in ICT to the LDCs through opening an Arab-Arab channel of/for communication and support
  • Involved parties in the implementation
  • • Ministries of communication and information technologies in Arab countries
    • Specialized organizations of the League of Arab States
    • AICTO’s Associate Member companies
    • All relevant parties (for any relevant coordination)
  • AICTO’s objectives of establishment (In relation)
  • • Objective (1) : Developing ICTs and providing the necessary mechanisms to reinforce cooperation and complementarity between its members
    • Objective (4) : Identifying the Arab needs and skills in the field of ICTs and providing the adequate environment propitious for making partnership relations and fruitful Arab cooperation in the field
    • Objective (8) : Providing the adequate environment to prepare, upgrade and attract Arab ICT skills and experts taking advantage from initiatives and advanced experiences in matter of ICT deployment

  • Unifying and coordinating Arab positions serving their own strategic interest within international organizations/at the international level

  • Main components
  • • Creating a unified Arab position dealing with policies and strategies in the field of ICTs
  • • Coordinating the efforts of standardization bodies to serve the needs of the Arab countries and to enhance the Arab reference in the field
  • • Providing the necessary mechanisms to further improve cooperation and complamentarity between the Arab countries and their regional and international environment
  • Involved parties in the implementation
  • • League of Arab States
  • • Ministries of communication and information technologies in Arab countries
  • • Regulators and standardization bodies
  • • All relevant parties (for any relevant coordination)
  • AICTO’s objectives of establishment (In relation)
  • • Objective (2) : Promoting and enriching common strategies and policies for ICT development within the Arab region
  • • Objective (3) : Unifying and coordinating Arab positions serving their own strategic interest within international organizations
  • • Objective (6) : Coordinating the regulators’ efforts so as to serve the Arab region needs and provide the necessary Arab referencement in the fiel
  • Boosting the Arab countries’ contribution to the implementation of sustainable development goals 2030 while enhancing their inclusion in the global digital economy

    Main components

  • • Supporting efforts aiming to integrate Arab countries into the global digital economy
    • Promoting and strengthening the contribution of Arab countries to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030
    • Appraising all Arab ICT initiatives and contributions designed for that end
  • Involved parties in the implementation
  • • League of Arab States
    • Ministries of communication and information technologies in Arab countries
    • Specialized organizations of the League of Arab States
    • AICTO’s Associate Member companies
    • All relevant parties (for any relevant coordination)
  • AICTO’s objectives of establishment (In relation)
  • • Objective (5) : Encouraging Arab and foreign ICT investment in the Arab region with further identification of investment opportunities, incentives and available encouragements and facilities in the field
    • Objective (7) : Reinforcing the private sector role through encouraging the participation of national communities and structures representing the private sector in all its activities