AICTO Strategy 2020-2023

The AICTO Strategy for the period : 2020-2023  stems from the will to implement its “Strategic vision” and the development of the necessary mechanisms to achieve its strategic goals.



In order to achieve its vision AICTO is adoption a “4D Strategy” based on four main pillars :

  1. Digital Transformation [D-Transformation]
  2. Digital Innovation [D-Innovation]
  3. Digital Inclusion [D-Inclusion]
  4. Digital Trust [D-Trust]

The implementation and depolyement of the Strategy is to be done through many mechanisms : 

  • Regional Projects & programs
  • Regional & International cooperation
  • Joint inter-regional projects & actions
  • Working groups
  • Rosters of Experts/ Think Tanks
  • Capacity Building (ATAC)
  • Technical Assistance
  • Technical Studies and researches